29 August 2009

movie night at the orpheum

two weekends in a row, we have gotten to enjoy the movie night at the orpheum. it is so much fun to go an watch old movies in the venue they were originally shown in. there is a big difference in watch these movies on your couch and in the grandeur of a place like the orpheum. 

last week, we met rachel, adam, and rachel's new law school friend + husband for butch cassidy and the sundance kid. i have an eternal crush on paul newman, and paired with robert redford, things only get better. if you haven't seen butch cassidy, definitely put it on your netflix queue. if you have seen it, another paul and robert fav of mine is the sting. my dad introduced me to this movie years ago, and i can't get enough of it. 

last night we double-dated with our roommate and his girlfriend (both fellow classmates of sean's) for gone with the wind. classic and utterly enjoyable. we got a couple beers and a big tub of popcorn, and settled in for the almost 4-hour film. it had been years since i had actually sat through the entire movie at once. it's a test of stamina, for sure, but completely worth it. in a slight digression... last night i became more aware of how completely insane and manic scarlett o'hara actually is. it's quite exhausting. there's no way things would have ever worked out with her and rhett. i'm just sayin'. 

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