29 August 2009

movie night at the orpheum

two weekends in a row, we have gotten to enjoy the movie night at the orpheum. it is so much fun to go an watch old movies in the venue they were originally shown in. there is a big difference in watch these movies on your couch and in the grandeur of a place like the orpheum. 

last week, we met rachel, adam, and rachel's new law school friend + husband for butch cassidy and the sundance kid. i have an eternal crush on paul newman, and paired with robert redford, things only get better. if you haven't seen butch cassidy, definitely put it on your netflix queue. if you have seen it, another paul and robert fav of mine is the sting. my dad introduced me to this movie years ago, and i can't get enough of it. 

last night we double-dated with our roommate and his girlfriend (both fellow classmates of sean's) for gone with the wind. classic and utterly enjoyable. we got a couple beers and a big tub of popcorn, and settled in for the almost 4-hour film. it had been years since i had actually sat through the entire movie at once. it's a test of stamina, for sure, but completely worth it. in a slight digression... last night i became more aware of how completely insane and manic scarlett o'hara actually is. it's quite exhausting. there's no way things would have ever worked out with her and rhett. i'm just sayin'. 

26 August 2009

friends+ old venice + muddy's

sean's on call for pediatrics tonight- he left at 5:30 this morning and i won't see him until i get home from work tomorrow night. that's no fun. BUT i have fantastic friends who invited me out for dinner and dessert!! many thanks to paul and suzanne for adopting me tonight- paul even bought my dinner!

along with several other med-students, we went to old venice pizza company. believe it or not, that building used to be my pediatrician's office! when we were eating, i tried to see if i could remember the space how it used to be, with colorful murals everywhere and jars of lollipops. not quite... the food was delicious. suz and paul got some killer spinach dip and the chicken tuscany pizza. i got the eggplant parmesan. not the best i've had, but definitely tasty. (ciao bella is still my fav.)

after dinner we went to muddy's bake shop- a place i've been eyeing for a looong time. i'd heard so many great things, and just recently they won "memphis' best bakery". i got a classic staple- vanilla cupcake with vanilla icing. mmmmmmmm. i'm already looking forward to going back. i mean, place your eyes on THIS....

to all my girl friends who come visit every so often... this is going to be our next must-do activity. coffee and cupcakes at muddy's. i'd better not hear any arguing.

25 August 2009

back to blogging

has is actually been 20 days since my last blog?? oh geez.

i don't really have any excuses, just add it to the long list of things i always have on my to-do list... i seem to accomplish most of those things, but i guess blogging is dead last and inevitably gets new to-do items shoved to a higher priority regardless of how much time it spends on the list. poor blog. i got inspired to write today when i was doing some eco-friendly materials research at work. i found a website, that had a "check out our blog" section. the blog had ONE entry. from 2007. i vowed right then and there to (try to) not neglect my blog like that.

i've been good about running lately. yay!! i always fall out of love with running during the summer because it's just too damn hot, which my real runner friend, sarah, can attest to. but the last month has been ridiculously good weather, and has inspired me to get back into it for my fall race season. and yes, i do have a fall race season. i love running in the fall and winter, and that's when most of the races are. so i have 2 races each month from september to december, mostly 5k's with a couple of 4-milers thrown in. i have been having great runs each night after work, and each leaves more more inspired for the next. oh, and sarah (running friend) is doing the chicago marathon in october. that is also VERY inspiring.

seattle/portland vacation cannot come soon enough. i am really looking forward to seeing a completely new part of the country and (hopefully) loving it so much we'll want to live there!! now, to be realistic, sean and i have also sat down with a list of residency programs to figure out all of the places in the u.s. that we'd be willing to go... that match program is crazy and you're only screwing yourself if you limit your options. we have cities all over the country- ca, wa, or, co, ny, ma, il, ct, de, nh... you get the idea. i think we'll get some time to visit denver at some point, and probably new york city and boston. very, very exciting and i can't wait to see where we end up!!

and now i'm watching hgtv show #5 of the night. i know, that's a little extreme, but i LOVE these shows. now showing: house hunters international goes to the caribbean. these people and their vacations homes.... makes me bubble over with jealously. earlier, house hunters went to portland, and sean and i got a small education on the condo market there. not cheap. that's all i'll say.

and i really have to get going on my paintings. i've avoided working on them so far, but with a show coming up in november, i'm probably going to regret not getting started when i originally planned to. i'm going image hunting tomorrow so i should have a good bank of inspiration.

as random as this has been, i hope it hasn't been to terribly boring. i've enjoyed getting some thoughts out and i hope i can be disciplined enough to come back soon. wish me luck, dear readers. whoever you are.

05 August 2009

running in the rain

... is something i am not yet prepared to do. we have had a plethora of storms lately, and one came again last night. 3am. room-filling lightning and constant thunder. i was planning on running this morning, but as i lay in bed listening to the storm and trying to go back to sleep, i realized it was unlikely i would have the motivation to get out of bed when the time came.

many times i use the rain as an excuse not to exercise, which is probably fine if you're living in memphis. BUT if sean and i end up in seattle, which i am hoping for, decisions will have to be made. either 1. i buy a treadmill, but i hate treadmills so i hate that idea 2. i join a gym, but that seems like kind of a waste when you're in the midst of such beautiful, natural, active surroundings or 3. suck it up and become one of those hard core people who runs rain or shine, and maybe even barefoot in the snow just for fun. yeah, that sounds good.