29 December 2008

so aggravating.

tonight was my 2nd attempt to join the downtown YMCA. i have given the membership a lot of thought- probably for about a month or so- and have finally decided that i cannot get back into shape unless i am motivated by money disappearing from my checking account. it's sad that the 10 extra pounds i'm carrying around aren't enough to motivate me, but i guess that's life.

i tried to sign up once before, and several things went wrong. first, i had my 10-40 tax form, and i needed my W-2. what the hell. it's the same difference to me. second, the snooty (that's correct... SNOOTY) gentleman at the counter was impossible to understand. i decided that i was going to attempt to workout at home, and only join the gym if i was not able to motivate myself without it. 

and guess what. apparently i need monetary motivation. surprise surprise.

so i went to sign up tonight- and was halfway there when i remembered that i am out of checks... and OF COURSE they need a voided check to setup the direct deposit... which is OF COURSE the only way they let you pay. so i'm still gym-less, and now i have to remember to order more checks. 

i don't know what happened to me. 3 years ago, i worked out religiously- and first thing in the morning! then architecture studio started to kick my ass and everything went downhill from there. now if i workout twice in one week i feel like a stud. 

i have decided to run a 10k. on valentine's day. and that's totally do-able. i can run a 5k now no problem. a couple of friends are doing the 10k with me as well. so i'm hoping that between a monthly gym fee and 2 friends who already work out more than i do, i'm thinking i should be able to get motivated. and now that i've announced the 10k in this post, i feel more accountable. 

and i swear i'm going to join the gym this week. i'll keep you posted.

19 December 2008

Emilia Ceramics

sean and i are enjoying some much needed lounge time. i cannot remember the last time we've spent this much time just being with each other. it is completely wonderful. zoe is relaxing on the striped chair in our room, sean is busy downloading music and movies, and i've gotten a chance to catch up on some of the blogs and websites i love to browse. 

this brings me to tonight's topic of choice: 
emilia ceramics.

my cousin emily has started her own business, which completely revolves around her passion for art, travel, and culture. she very well may be the only person i know who has managed to actually turn her recreational interests and passions into a career. and i find it SO inspiring. i've included some of my favorite piece from various collections, but there are so many fabulous things on the site, you must visit it yourself.


Planter - Mexico

Tequila Set - Mexico

18 December 2008

city lights

WINTER CAN BE AN ESPECIALLY DEPRESSING TIME to have a full-time, grown-up job. as if it isn't hard enough to sit in one place (and concentrate!) all day, it's dark and cold when i leave for the day. and lately the weather has been rainy, foggy, and generally unenjoyable.

but   t  o  n  i  g  h  t  ... the fog made me smile.

it puts a new spin on this pattern of red and green lights i've grown up looking at. it was exactly the moment of relaxation that i needed after a day packed with powerpoint setups, parking garage concepts, and stair/elevator/trash room plans.  if only these lights could stay on all year long- i'd be much calmer. 

i hope it's foggy tomorrow, too.

17 December 2008

09 resolutions_a little ahead of schedule

try new things. 
save money.
live greener.
learn daily.
cook daily.
run almost daily.

here's hoping.