09 April 2009

gettin' back out there

i got a break in the unemployment storm this weekend. while i was in knoxville, i got a call from a firm i had contacted a couple of weeks ago. the owner was the one who called me and expressed an interest in having me do some contract work. SO yesterday i went in for the first day of work!! i basically worked during the afternoon, on some schematic design for a local renovation project.

there were a few challenges that came with the job:

1. this place is much smaller than LRK. as in, they have 2 full-time employees. i'm used to all the ambient noise in LRK's office. even on the quiet days, there was some noise. not at the new place. it is veeeeery quiet. it's not necessarily a bad thing, will just take some getting used to.

2. LRK had "custom" key-commands for AutoCAD. and because that's the only place i ever used CAD, that's all i've ever known. now i have to get used to the out-of-the-box commands, as well as the random custom settings that were setup by the person who usually uses the computer i was using. along the same lines, the layer system is obviously completely different. i won't go into detail, but those of you who know what i'm referring to probably understand my frustration.

3. i miss my LRK friends :( enough said.

but the positives are great... the office is literally a 2-minute drive from my house. i guess i could walk, but come on... let's be realistic. the people there seem very nice, and the boss was impressed with my initiative to take AND PASS the leed exam. he's studying for his right now. and above all else, it's some money, experience, resume booster, and possible connection for future employment.

so it took me almost 8 weeks to find a little work. hopefully it will last :)


  1. Yay Jennie! Congrats!

  2. Yay for Jennie...and I can relate to all of your comments. I am finally getting used to new commands and layers (the layers we use here were the darkest ones at LRK) AND I miss all of my friends too. BUT...$$$ is a good thing so you can enjoy Mexico!

  3. thanks girls!!! :) yes, $$ for mexico is a GREAT thing!! and i'm glad i was able to find a little something in the same field. and now i don't feel like as much of a lazy bum. haha.
