24 February 2009

this is me loving food.

my friend rachel has been raving about her new mark bittman cookbook for some time now. considering the godliness she has bestowed upon him, it only seems appropriate that this month's issue of Women's Health has an entire article dedicated to his recipes. these things look delicious and it's all i can do not to run into the kitchen and just start eating everything in sight. let me illustrate this for you:

lamb burger with smoked mozzarella
garlicky shrimp fajitas with guacamole

and these beautiful concoctions are supposed to do good things for my figure!? YES PLEASE. oooowe! i am SO ready to eat. for these recipes and 35 others that also look amaaaazing, click this.


  1. oh wow!! i love it. you must try his stuff! it is just so SIMPLE that i cannot even believe it.

    my calzones were incredible, btw. oh man-- i'm never going to lose any weight. i love food too much!

  2. and i looove food as well. just looking at the picture of the burger makes my mouth water. every. time.
    i bet your calzones were awesome, too!! i'm starting to lean towards the "more exercise" diet. that might be the only thing i can do. :)
